Monday, August 24, 2009

Yves Bahar- Creating Objects That Tell Stories

This video is quite enlightening and refreshing to learn more about positive aspects and outcomes that designers can influence. Behar mentions that upon becoming a designer he was initially instructed to design the ‘skin’ of things to make things look prettier and mask the ugliness. Behar further explores his actions and self reflections into creating the design of objects into an entire human experience.

Personally, I believe that this should be retitled ‘Creating objects with values’ as that is exactly what is happening. Behar explores the creation of objects based on human use and values. As designers we need to think about how we can create a different, more positive relationship between the work and world. The notion of creating values with objects is a thought I enjoyed. These values with objects can include sustainability, environmental, low power consumption, function and beauty.

One example Yves mentions is the Jawbone- a Bluetooth headset with humanistic technology. It feels the skin and knows when the user is talking and cancels out background noise. Its shape and design is purely beautiful and consideration suggests the consideration one would take in selecting a pair of sunglasses that suits them.

My favourite segment of this video, and why I would recommend it especially to design students, is when Behar exhibits the One Laptop Per Child (OLPC) series. The values of education and technology are brought to children, notably in Mongolia and Nigeria, aimed directly for children. It is designed user friendly and playful with a rubber keyboard and a non sun-glare screen. Designed for kids but not a toy. The passion behind this lies in the production and design process where it is not about slapping skins on but desigining it from the inside out. The production team fought extremely hard against suppliers and manafucturers, and it was the will power that made this product successful. Behar leaves us with a touching note that with the values of the work we do, we can change the companies we work with and maybe eventually change the world.

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